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Welcome to So Busy Learning with Diana! I'm so glad you have joined me!


From time to time you can expect a variety of articles, lessons and other materials related to learning. That's the theme of this website. Some of the series on this website may include: Using Language and Related Skills, Learning Through Culture, Homeschooling articles and more.


You may also find new-to-you museums to visit and tips on  developing your performing arts skills.


I have spent my life as a teacher, writer, and performer, but mostly as a learner. I have taught and written  about many subjects including, but not limited to English Language Arts, English as a Second Language, Spanish, Vocal Studies, Performing Arts, and Applications of the Christian Faith. I have also taught in many educational settings and to many  groups, including international students, homeschoolers, and people of all age groups from elementary school through college and beyond. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to pass on these materials  inspired by my rich experiences and the people I have shared them with.

Keep an eye on this website for more contributions for your learning enjoyment and enrichment!  

Diana, your hostess
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